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Customer Testimonials 

                                Sutter's Mill Apartments
                                11955 Parliament
                                San Antonio, Texas 78216
                                (210) 340-8049

December 29, 2003

Dear Alamo Fire and Water,                             

Thank you for your quick response time and professional
expertise in resolving our mold issues. You not only saved
us thousands of dollars in remediation costs, but also
thousands in extended relocation costs. The fact that you
guaranteed clearance and that your product works in such a
short amount of time was a great satisfaction. I will highly
recommend your company to other apartment managers
and companies that may be in the same dilemma. Well
once again thank you for everything, You all were a great
help in this important matter.


                                Bernadette Castillo
                                Apartment Manager









February 22, 2006


Mr. Victor Rodriguez

Alamo Fire and Water Restoration

722 Alexander Hamilton Dr.

San Antonio, TX 78228


Re: Apartment 612

       Vineyard Springs Apartments



Dear Victor,


Recently we contacted your company to help us resolve a possible mold problem in one of our apartments here at Vineyard Springs Apartments. I was so impressed with the prompt resolution of our problem and the professionalism that your company brings to the table that I wanted to formally thank you for the service you provided us.


When we contacted you initially, we had no experience with the mold remediation process. I appreciated your immediate response and for walking us through each step in the process. I found you and your technicians to be professional and courteous with a customer comes first attitude and a willingness to complete the job correctly. Please share this letter and put us on your list of satisfied customers.


We would be happy to recommend your company to anyone experiencing the same type of problem.





Jennifer Rosas

Community Manager

Vineyard Springs Apartments





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